They Are Coming For Our Water
Activist Post -
America is under attack in so many ways, it is difficult to count.
Along these lines, there is presently a three-pronged globalist plot designed to subjugate the people of this country. These three elements include (1) controlling the nations’ water supplies by creating massive debt forcing governments to relinquish control over its water supplies; (2) private individuals and corporations are acquiring and hoarding massive amounts of water; and, (3) the Environmental Protection Agency is presently engaged in activities, on behalf of the UN’s Agenda 21 policies, to use the control of water to also control food production and eliminate private property ownership.
The Path to American Totalitarianism
If a totalitarian government desired to control the people of the United States, garrisoning the country with an army of occupation would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. The United States has 315 million people who own a total of 300+ million plus handguns and the country occupies a good portion of a continent. These are daunting challenges to occupying the United States.
Most military strategists will tell you that it takes about one soldier for every 50 citizens to effectively garrison a country. This means that an army which would effectively garrison this country would have to be over six million strong! Even for the Chinese, this would be a difficult task. There are simpler and more efficient ways to control a country than military occupation.
How to Successfully Occupy the United States
History tells us that to successfully occupy the United States, one would be better off controlling essential life-sustaining resources instead of attempting to garrison the country. What are these essential resources?
To control a population such as the United States, one would have to control what Abraham Maslow called the essential elements for survival, namely food, water and shelter. How best to control food, water and shelter than to reduce the diversification of ownership over these resources. History has produced an effective model to describe how to control these essential elements of survival.
As the Roman Empire declined in influence and power, Feudalism replaced the nation-state government. The feudal lord was one of the few employers in the fourth and the fifth centuries. The feudal lords owned most of the land and nearly all the resources. Today, the specter of feudalism has shape-shifted into a global corporatocracy headed by the central bankers, the United Nations and their Agenda 21 policies. The global corporations are constructing this brand of neo-feudalism right before our eyes.
Phase One: Debt Enslavement Leads to Control of Water
Both history and current events demonstrate that the more debt a country acquires, the more at risk that country is to losing control over its infrastructure and, in particular, its water supplies to private interests.
What do countries do when they are being strangled by debt? The answer is simple, they simply borrow more money. As America’s aging infrastructure falls further into disrepair, the various levels of government will be forced to borrow more money in order to keep its water supplies safe. This has been done before and the results were devastating to the country borrowing money.
Bolivia, in 2000, is the poster child for what happens to a country when it borrows money to fix its water issues. The Bolivian case in point is exemplified by the fact that the country borrowed money from the predatory World Bank in order to fix its water issues. The World Bank brought in Bechtel Corporation to fix Bolivia’s water issues, however, Bolivia predictably defaulted on its World Bank loan obligations and their water supplies went into receivership as prices skyrocketed by 400%. Further, the Bolivians lost the right to trap rainwater and reuse irrigation water.
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On the button tom….Monsanto tried to patent rainwater in the last few years, the were defeated, but its only a matter of time before we are subjugated to Nero’s of today…