The Arctic 30 Green Cashcows For Greenpeace, Scapegoats For The Russians
Tory Aardvark -
Free the Arctic 30. Donate, donate, donate, donate till ya drop.
Try as they might the combined forces of Greenpeace and The Guardian just cannot motivate the civil society they claim to represent to be outraged and indignant, in the Liberal Green way they should be, because 30 self appointed guardians of the Arctic are in assorted Russian prisons.
The lack of support in the now 4 current articles in the Guardian Environment section shows how out of touch Greenpeace are with public opinion here in the west, as well as in Russia.
An opinion poll in Russia on the actions of the Russian authorities gives 66% support for the way the Greenpeace employees were dealt with, though 17% thought the charges were too harsh and 8% deplored them as too lenient. There is a very big message that all the Green NGO’s would be well advised to hear loud and clear in this poll from the Russian people:
Two in three respondents said the government should curb any attempt of foreign-based environmental organizations to stop Russia from developing the Arctic basin.
In a completely empty gesture that he knows no sane politician would ever accept Greenpeace International executive director Kumi Naidoo has written an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin:
Their fate is a matter of global concern. Therefore, I would come to you with an offer. I am willing to move my life to Russia for the duration of this affair. I would offer myself as a guarantor for the good conduct of the Greenpeace activists, were they to be released on bail. They, we, Greenpeace, do not believe ourselves to be above the law. We are willing to face the consequences of what we did, as long as those consequences are within a nation’s criminal code as any reasonable person understands that code to be.
Their fate is matter of global concern to every other self appointed Green activist trying to force their vision of a hair shirt Agrarian society on the world.
As for reasonable, it really means nothing in legal terms as obviously one man’s reasonable behaviour is another man’s unreasonable behaviour, one man’s terrorist another man’s freedom fighter as Naidoo well knows.
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