Death by “Gun Control”


Why must all decent non-violent people fight against “gun control”? Why is the right to keep and bear arms truly a fundamental individual right? You can find the answers in this new book.

People frequently ask why we are so dedicated to our cause? This book answers that question by collecting the key facts and arguments in one place.

People have asked us to present the whole JPFO argument in one place. We have done it. Available now in an easy-reading format and a handy size, the new book is entitled Death by Gun Control: The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament.

The message is simple: Disarmed people are neither free nor safe - they become the criminals’ prey and the tyrants’ playthings. When the civilians are defenseless and their government goes bad, however, thousands and millions of innocents die.

Professor R.J. Rummel, author of the monumental book Death by Government, said: “Concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth.” For power to concentrate and become dangerous, the citizens must be disarmed.

What disarms the citizens? The idea of “gun control.” It’s the idea that only the government has the right to possess firearms, and that citizens have no unalienable right to use force to defend against aggression.

Death by Gun Control carefully examines the “gun control” idea: its meaning, its purposes, its effects. It comes in many forms, but in every form it enables the evildoers and works against righteous defense.

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The Mother of All Stats
The Human Cost of “Gun Control” Ideas

The Genocide Chart © 2002
Government Dates Targets Civilians Killed   “Gun Control” Laws  Features of Over-all “Gun Control” scheme
Ottoman Turkey 1915-1917 Armenians       (mostly Christians) 1-1.5 million Art. 166, Pen. Code, 1866 & 1911 Proclamation, 1915 • Permits required •Government list of owners •Ban on possession
Soviet Union 1929-1945 Political opponents;       farming communities 20 million Resolutions, 1918       Decree, July 12, 1920       Art. 59 & 182, Pen. code, 1926 •Licensing of owners •Ban on possession •Severe penalties
Nazi Germany & Occupied Europe 1933-1945 Political opponents;       Jews; Gypsies;       critics; “examples” 20 million Law on Firearms & Ammun., 1928       Weapon Law, March 18, 1938       Regulations against Jews, 1938 •Registration & Licensing •Stricter handgun laws •Ban on possession
China, Nationalist 1927-1949 Political opponents;       army conscripts; others 10 million Art. 205, Crim. Code, 1914       Art. 186-87, Crim. Code, 1935 •Government permit system •Ban on private ownership
China, Red 1949-1952       1957-1960       1966-1976 Political opponents;       Rural populations       Enemies of the state 20-35 million Act of Feb. 20, 1951       Act of Oct. 22, 1957 •Prison or death to “counter-revolutionary criminals” and anyone resisting any government program •Death penalty for supply guns to such “criminals”
Guatemala 1960-1981 Mayans & other Indians;       political enemies 100,000-       200,000 Decree 36, Nov 25 •Act of 1932       Decree 386, 1947       Decree 283, 1964 •Register guns & owners •Licensing with high fees •Prohibit carrying guns •Bans on guns, sharp tools •Confiscation powers
Uganda 1971-1979 Christians       Political enemies 300,000 Firearms Ordinance, 1955       Firearms Act, 1970 •Register all guns & owners •Licenses for transactions •Warrantless searches •Confiscation powers
Cambodia       (Khmer Rouge) 1975-1979 Educated Persons;       Political enemies 2 million Art. 322-328, Penal Code       Royal Ordinance 55, 1938 •Licenses for guns, owners, ammunition & transactions •Photo ID with fingerprints •License inspected quarterly
Rwanda 1994 Tutsi people 800,000 Decree-Law No. 12, 1979 •Register guns, owners, ammunition •Owners must justify  need •Concealable guns illegal •Confiscating powers

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  Addition - For easier chart printing, download the Genocide Chart PDF file, it includes a text synopsis of this page.


When the gun prohibitionists quote a statistic about how many people are killed by firearms misuse, the discussion sometimes bogs down into whose crime stats to believe and how to count crimes vs. the defensive firearm uses. Death by Gun Control works on a level that nobody can dispute: documented world history.

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