William Stuart 9/11 to Armageddon:- Bankers Plan Wars Interview by Janie of Tax Free UK 15

Sovereign Independent UK - Explaining How Wars are Planned by Global Bankers and How World War III Has been Set Up Wake News Radio / TV inform: http://mywakenews.wordpress.com/2012/07/28/exposing-the-untouchables-911-to-a… Janie of Taxfree UK 15 interviews William Stuart on his latest book: 9-11 to Armageddon, Bankers Plan Wars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qdi3L2tvU14 http://william-stuart.blogspot.co.uk/ Read More: sovereignindependent.co.uk
NEW : The Sovereign Independent Newspaper brings you issue 5 (PDF Download Here)

Its here. The Sovereign Independent brings you the latest issue, issue 5. This issue is packed with great articles which will have you demanding more. This issue has a wide range of topics, from helping to understand the Household Tax, to examining what has been happening to religion and the constant attack on Christianity in [...]
Sovereign Independent Edition 1 : Download

Sovereign_Independent_Issue1.1 The objective of the Sovereign Independent is to provide critical news, information and education that the mainstream media refuse to print regarding the direction Ireland is heading and its increasing loss of sovereignty and independence.