Germany Outlines New Strategy for a European Army

The Rather than create a European army all at once, Germany should focus on building it bit by bit, according to a paper published this month by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (kaf). Germany should develop “islands of cooperation”—small groups of countries whose militaries work together—that can be used as “building blocks” of a pan-European [...]
Allsops withdraw “repossessed” family business from auction…

by Gabriel Donohoe (Fools Crow) Allsops, the British auctioneering firm which received widespread public censure following the aborted auction of “repossessed” property at the Shelbourne Hotel a few months ago, are now showing some integrity and possible awareness of bankster mortgage fraud. Or perhaps they fear being caught for huge financial damages by an increasingly [...]
Whistleblowing and Immunity in Ireland

Golem XIV - Immunity from Prosecution is an slightly odd concept – but nowhere is it so odd as it is in Ireland it would seem. A Prosecution service (such as a Director of Public Prosecution) will occassionally grant Immunity to someone so they can testify against others without what they say being used to [...]
EVENT: Cork 14 Oct – Best selling Author Ellen Brown speaking in Cork about Public Banking

Event : Everyone Welcome Read More : or
RTÉ One - Prime Time - ***FLUORIDE*** Medication Concerns

Mainstream media cover the fluoride scandal!!! (please scroll along to 14 mins for fluoride piece)
Update 17 Referendum Challenge

Dear Friends, If you remember, judgment in the Childrens Rights referendum case (Jordan v Minister for Children and Youth Affairs and others) was originally scheduled for last July. However in June we were informed that a decision would not be possible before the autumn. We finally have a date for judgment so I [...]
Are You a Police Officer in the UK? You should read this, as should any Force using Tetra.

TETRA Strictly for the Police Federation of England and Wales B TROWER INTRODUCTION With respect to my fellow scientists I shall be writing this report in non-scientific speak for all of those readers who have not had the benefit of a scientific education. WHAT IS ALL THIS REALLY ABOUT? Imagine the field around a magnet [...]
BBC Caught Staging Syria Chemical Weapons Propaganda? Former Ambassador labels video “stunning fakery” Paul Joseph Watson October 7, 2013 UPDATE: Within 2 hours of posting this story, the BBC filed a copyright claim with YouTube to get the 45 second clip removed. This shows how nervous the BBC is about this information coming to light. News organizations routinely rely on [...]
The Community Press Group Editors Note : The Oneworldchronicle team welcomes the beginning of something that we feel really will make a difference in the challenges facing all citizens worldwide. To everyone at The Community Press Group we offer you the very best wishes for the future. We are sure there will be some great work done in [...]