Germany Outlines New Strategy for a European Army

The Rather than create a European army all at once, Germany should focus on building it bit by bit, according to a paper published this month by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (kaf). Germany should develop “islands of cooperation”—small groups of countries whose militaries work together—that can be used as “building blocks” of a pan-European [...]
China’s Official Press Agency Calls For New Reserve Currency, And New World Order We assume it is a coincidence that on the day in which we demonstrate China’s relentless appetite for gold, driven by what we and many others believe is the country’s desire to have a call option on a gold-backed reserve currency when the time comes, just posted in China’s official press agency, Xinhua, is [...]
Can this be Real? IS OBAMA - An ILLEGAL President? THE TRUTH about his citizenship!
A prophetic interview with Sir James Goldsmith in 1994 Sir James Michael “Jimmy” Goldsmith (26 February 1933 18 July 1997) was an Anglo-French financier. Towards the end of his life, he became a magazine publisher and a politician. In 1994, he was elected to represent France as a Member of the European Parliament and he subsequently founded the short-lived eurosceptic Referendum Party in [...]
A wolf in Pope’s clothing? Francis is not the progressive man he has been made out to be There’s more than meets the eye to the man behind the cloth Let’s be honest, Pope Benedict was a public relations nightmare for the Catholic Church. His aptitude for saying the worst thing at the worst moment made Prince Philip look like a smooth operator. So Catholics and religious apologists have been jumping for [...]
Are You a Police Officer in the UK? You should read this, as should any Force using Tetra.

TETRA Strictly for the Police Federation of England and Wales B TROWER INTRODUCTION With respect to my fellow scientists I shall be writing this report in non-scientific speak for all of those readers who have not had the benefit of a scientific education. WHAT IS ALL THIS REALLY ABOUT? Imagine the field around a magnet [...]
BBC Caught Staging Syria Chemical Weapons Propaganda? Former Ambassador labels video “stunning fakery” Paul Joseph Watson October 7, 2013 UPDATE: Within 2 hours of posting this story, the BBC filed a copyright claim with YouTube to get the 45 second clip removed. This shows how nervous the BBC is about this information coming to light. News organizations routinely rely on [...]
The Community Press Group Editors Note : The Oneworldchronicle team welcomes the beginning of something that we feel really will make a difference in the challenges facing all citizens worldwide. To everyone at The Community Press Group we offer you the very best wishes for the future. We are sure there will be some great work done in [...]
*** UPDATE*** CelticGold Presents - FREE Gold Talk in London 23rd October 2013 - 7pm Venue Confirmed Update 3rd October 2013: Thank you all for reserving your seats. The location is: The Pelham Hotel, Kensington, 15 Cromwell Place, SW7 2LA Event Room 1 We’re almost booked up. Should you be interested to come, please register your place. Email to: [email protected] - Thank you. After doing gold talks in Ireland Stefan Kraemer, CEO [...]