Study Shows Why Some People Can’t Wake Up

Truthstream Media - Ever wondered why some people who seem otherwise educated on all other fronts appear hopelessly trapped in the left-right paradigm? Yale law professor Dan Kahan put together a study which essentially found that people were less likely to choose a mathematically correct answer if it went against their political beliefs. To boil [...]
*** UPDATE*** CelticGold Presents - FREE Gold Talk in London 23rd October 2013 - 7pm Venue Confirmed Update 3rd October 2013: Thank you all for reserving your seats. The location is: The Pelham Hotel, Kensington, 15 Cromwell Place, SW7 2LA Event Room 1 We’re almost booked up. Should you be interested to come, please register your place. Email to: [email protected] - Thank you. After doing gold talks in Ireland Stefan Kraemer, CEO [...]
Ronald Stoeferle: Gold Bubble or Bargain?

Gold Silver Worlds - In this one hour presentation for ABC Bullion, Ronald Stoeferle from Incrementum Liechtenstein explains in much detail why he believes gold is a bargain and debt a bubble. This article provides the highlights of the presentation and the rationale for Stoeferle’s key premise. The difference between the Keynesian economist and [...]
23andMe’s ‘build-a-baby’ patent criticised

BBC - A US patent for a database that uses DNA testing to tell prospective parents which traits their future offspring may inherit has been criticised by experts. 23andMe says its Family Traits Inheritor Calculator can predict the risk of inheriting specific diseases as well as details such as height, weight, eye colour and even [...]
The strangest thing about vaccines

No More Fake News - I didn’t say the worst thing. I said the strangest. Here it is: Proponents claim a vaccine stimulates a person’s immune system to produce antibodies, which are immune-system scouts. This is supposedly a rehearsal. The immune system gets a chance to respond to a “test run,” so that [...]
The devastating truth behind Obamacare

No More Fake News - I want my Obamacare! I want my Obamacare! It’s vital to look at the real meaning of this sinister plan. It’s all about the toxic effects of mainstream medicine. That’s what the sold-out press is refusing to examine. A year ago, I discussed the case of a young [...]
Mercury, Vaccines, Symptoms, Depopulation (MUST WATCH Video)

Orbis Vitae - I’m posting this video because I personally experienced the emotional and physical symptoms of mercury when I was younger. In me, mercury caused, rage, depression, anxiety, fear, racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, impulsive behavior, memory loss, apathy, OCD-like symptoms such as a need for cleanliness or order in my surroundings, critical behavior or [...]
Excellent Video to Introduce Friends/Family to Geoengineering (Chemtrails)

Orbis Vitae - Please take a look at this excellent video that can be used to introduce those you care about to chemtrails: Read More:
Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geo-engineering

GeoEngineering Watch - Planet Earth has been besieged by many and diverse scientific experiments over the past one hundred years. Applied science and technology have seen a literal explosion of top secret and highly classified operations conducted in the atmosphere, throughout the planetary surface, as well as deep within the Earth’s crust. However, none comes [...]
NSA at work: Do you have a secret “social profile?”

No More Fake News - Do you know a grape grower in France? An activist in England? NSA may have built an extensive social profile on you. The NY Times reports (9/28): “NSA Gathers Data on Social Connections of US Citizens.”. It’s a long piece, and it’s pinned to the idea that the NSA [...]